Our goal at Rillito Internal Medicine is to provide high-quality primary care in a sustainable practice model that will not have to resort to charging a monthly concierge fee.  Integral to this practice is using a team-based approach to health, where the doctor, nurse practitioner and staff work together to help our patients.

Our practice staff members have many years of experience in helping people and have done an exceptional job during the COVID pandemic.  Constantly juggling the expectations of our patients while prioritizing need is challenging.  Diagnosing, documenting and treating a medical issue is complicated and time-consuming; therefore, when patients have multiple issues, we try to address the most serious issue first. Other issues are addressed at subsequent visits, allowing us to be more thorough.  This is also why we ask patients who show up late to reschedule, as there is not enough time to properly address their medical issues without compromising the care of the patients scheduled after them.

Increasingly, primary care physicians are being held responsible for all their patients’ health care spending despite studies that show that medical care only accounts for 10-20% of modifiable contributors.  Far more important are health-related behaviors and socioeconomic/environmental factors.  The success of Rillito Internal Medicine will ultimately depend on how well we manage the overall health of our patients and this requires cooperation.  In addition to the timely and effective treatment of medical issues you have or develop, we will continue to prioritize evidence-based interventions that keep you healthy, such as vaccines (including COVID and flu vaccines), exercise, a healthy diet (i.e., avoid sugar and processed food), and obtaining the recommended screening tests.